I Hate Spiderman 2!!!


Currently Listening to: Song 2-Blur


According to Wikipedia, the average NYC subway car is ~84,000 lbs, which is ~38,000 kg. Assuming there are 10 subway cars, that means 380,000 kg. In the scene, you get a brief glimpse of the speedometer, which reads 80 mph, which is 35.8 m/s. Therefore:

\[ p = mv = (380000 \ \mathrm{kg}) \cdot (35.8 \ \mathrm{m/s}) = 13604000 \ \mathrm{kg \cdot m/s} \]

In the scene, he takes about 40 seconds to stop the train, so the average force is

\[ F = \frac{\Delta p}{\Delta t} = \frac{13604000 \ \mathrm{kg \cdot m/s}}{40 \ \mathrm{s}} = 340100 \ \mathrm{N} \]

Any human pulling 340,100 Newtons of force is completely impossible. Even for a superhero movie I don’t care!!!GET OUT!! The world record pull by a man is 400 Newtons. 340,100 Newtons is enough force to liquify every bone in his body and leave nothing but a pair of empty spandex gloves flapping in the breeze...like a wind-sock... :(

rest in piece tobey maguire...(◞‸◟;)

Dorm Room Cookin: Episode 1


Currently Listening to: Song 2-Blur

The dining hall isn’t serving anything good, I can’t afford to eat out, do you know what time it is??? IT'S DORM ROOM COOKIN TIME!! Today’s recipe: rice with tuna and edamame

Step uno:

Microwaveable rice thing i got from Hmart. Put that baby in the microwave. Hell yeah

Step 2:

Take that baby out of said microwave. Taste test. Verdict: tastes like plastic <3

Step 3:

Put that thang in a bowl and add some frozen edamame that specifically says “Do Not Microwave”

Step 4:


Step 5:

Add some soy sauce

Step 6:

Make the tuna thing*: Canned tuna+sriracha mayo
*You can tuna piano but you canned tuna fish!

Wow. Looks like my balls. Let's assemble.

Step 7:

Assemble the beast

Verdict: 6/10. It does not taste good. But it's better than the dining hall food <3
See you next time…

KT’s Mega Cool Guide to Surfing the Dark Web*

*Without Getting Arrested


Currently Listening to: Streetwise-Pretty Sick

First, I'm gonna preface this by saying pretty much everything you've been told about the dark web is not true. Red Rooms and hitmen-for-hire have been completely debunked as scams. Mystery boxes, hackers, and online gun sales are all extremely difficult to find, if even real at all. The dark web is simply a collection of decentralized websites designed to be anonymous and less censored than the surface web. Major news outlets like The New York Times, CNN, and ProPublica all have dark web domains to help people with restricted internet access read their content. News outlets also use the dark web to allow whistleblowers and tipsters to submit information completely anonymously through tools like SecureDrop

Of course, less censorship means it's harder to police, so the dark web has inevitably become a place where some bad people get up to some funky stuff. This usually takes the form of gore sites, sicko porn, or Bitcoin scams. But hey, that happens on the surface web too. Unless you are actively looking for illegal stuff, it's unlikely you'll stumble upon it (so just don’t (???) and you'll be fine).

So why should YOU, dear reader, care about surfing the dark web??

If you're the average Joe, there isn't much difference between using the dark web and the surface web, aside from the minor inconvenience of it being harder to navigate. However, if you’re a whistleblower, political dissident, or living in a country with restricted internet freedom, the dark web is crucial for securing your privacy, protecting human rights, and maintaining access to uncensored information. Governments worldwide, often in cahoots with big media, are steadily eroding internet privacy under the guise of combating copyright infringement. So if you think your country has "internet freedom," you might want to think again (cough cough maybe if you live in a country where an unelected billionaire has access to your social security number and personal data, it wouldn’t hurt to learn how to use the dark web.)

What is TOR??

TOR stands for The Onion Router. Instead of .com or .org, dark web sites use the .onion TLD. TOR is an anonymizing tool that circumvents censorship and helps evade direct monitoring by governments.

So, ♪ IF YOU WANNA SURF THE DARK WEB, YOU GOTTA GET A TOR BROWSERRR ♪ (to the tune of Wannabe by the Spice Girls)

OK, how do I actually surf it??

Step 1: Download the TOR Browser

Get your TOR browser from this site

Step 2: Find a Guide

Addresses on the dark web are intentionally difficult to find. For example, CNN's dark web domain is "qmifwf762qftydprw2adbg7hs2mkunac5xrz3cb5busaflji3rja5lid.onion". To navigate, you'll need a guide! Some reliable ones include:

  • https://github.com/alecmuffett/real-world-onion-sites
  • https://dark.fail/
  • !! DO NOT USE THEHIDDENWIKI.ORG !! It is a well-known scam designed to bait unsuspecting TOR users.

    Safety Tips

    Unless you're an ultra-important individual with powerful enemies, these are optional but could make you feel safer:

  • Disable JavaScript:
  • JavaScript can create security vulnerabilities or tracking opportunities. I personally don’t bother because I truly don't care. Track me. idgaf.

  • Use a VPN:
  • I use Free VeePN—don’t get tricked into paying for one when the free version works just fine.

  • Don’t Click Unfamiliar Links (aka: Common Sense 101)
  • Don’t Buy Anything (aka: Common Sense 102)
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it's probably a scam.

  • Don’t Use Your Real Name, Email, Passwords, or Surface Web Usernames
  • Identity theft is a massive issue on the dark web. Protect yourself by using a pseudonym.

    And there you have it!!

    Your complete guide to becoming a master dark web surfer. So grab your TOR browser, fire up your VPN, and explore responsibly. And remember, kids: “If you're in a dark web chatroom and someone uses your full government name, log off, disconnect your computer, and go touch some grass.”

    Just Became An Ordained Minister at the Laser House Next to the I-5


    Currently Listening to: Saturnprincess--Grimes

    If you live near the Seattle area, you've probably seen that lit up house by the side of the I-5, the one with all the strobe lights and lasers. I live miles away and I can still see the lasers reflected off the clouds almost every night. I always assumed it was some millionaire throwing gatsby level parties all the time, but I was passing by this morning and I was like what the hell let me check it out. Turns out, it's a private residence (obvi) so you can’t just go in. BUT I did find out that it is actually a church!

    Yes it’s a church, apparently something called the universal life church .

    Anyway, I decided to get ordained there. It took a few minutes, I even had the option of getting one of those rad minister shirts with the white collar but I decided to restrain myself (it cost extra).

    This is a long way of saying I spent my Sunday doing nothing productive (i have physics homework due TONIGHT) and also if you know anyone in washington state who needs an ordained minister for their wedding (or funeral? Im not picky) tell them to hit up my line (give a bat signal).